Thursday, June 16, 2005

So I'm supposed to be an Anglican priest?

Took a couple of online tests today. The one at is supposed to tell you what religion you'd best fit into. Here's what I scored:

Christianity - 75%
Buddhism - 71%
Paganism - 54%
Islam - 50%
Hinduism - 50%
agnosticism - 38%
Judaism - 38%
Satanism - 29%
atheism - 25%

Buddhism and Paganism don't fit too badly, but Satanism? Hmmm.

Then there's a test that determines your theological worldview: It's a bit more reassuring:

Emergent/Postmodern - 82%
Modern Liberal - 71%
Classical Liberal - 68%
Roman Catholic - 64%
Neo orthodox - 54%
Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan - 54%
Charismatic/Pentecostal - 43%
Reformed Evangelical - 21%
Fundamentalist - 0%

Well, I never believed in tests much anyway.

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