Friday, March 30, 2007

People aren't the only ones who remember

Went back to my old yarn store yesterday.

Half of it has become a real estate agency, but there's still a yarn part of it. When he saw me the owner came rushing out (of the real estate part) to greet me. I found a heap of yarn for 19 YTL (about $Can 16) that would cost me closer to $80 at home.

On the way back I met my old favourite street cat, MomKat. I chirped at her and she meowed back. She followed me home and waited while I went upstairs and got the catfood Elisabetta had on hand. Today I bought some more catfood. I didn't mean to start feeding the cats again, but when one actually acknowledges your presence it's an unusual honour and must be celebrated. I didn't know cats' memories were 9 months long.

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